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The Digital Archive Platform (DAP) allows research and archival material to be searched and viewed via the web and mobile devices. It is aimed at libraries, universities and museum where information needs to be accessed from different interfaces.

The types of data that can be stored and retrieved are:

  • • PDF
  • • images
  • • Audio
  • • Video
  • • HTML
  • • Flash
  • • Web URLs

The Digital Archive Platform can run stand-alone in a hosted environment or be integrated into an existing website. The mobile applications are available for iOS & Android devices, allowing research material to be accessed at anytime, anywhere.

Here is an example of the Digital Archive Platform, which can be viewed at www.rm-badges.com


Here is an example of a Digital Archive Platform branded mobile application:

Digital Archive Platform Mobile Application

Associated Services

Tynesoft offers a full-service, hosted version of the DAP where we deal with the storage of your documents in a backed up, fully secure and highly accessible environment, utilizing significant bandwidth to reduce latency. Associated services:

Content Setup and Maintenance– Tools to allow documents to be continually added and updated on the DAP.

Web Site Maintenance – Tools to allow different versions of the site to be launched.

Branding – A service to allow your logo and colours to be added to the web site and mobile applications.

Framework for web content – So that web site content changes can be performed easily.

Document compression – Tools are provided to allow documents to be compressed to reduce download time.

Web analytics – Ability to view the website analytics which show how long a user spent on the website, how many visitors per day have visited the site and where the visitors are located.

Mobile application download site – Specific website where a customer can download the iOS and Android mobile applications.