
Contact Us:  info@tynesoft.com

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Tynesoft offers services centered around the intersection of enterprise/web and mobile applications:

Mobile User Interface design - ensuring you have a consistent, yet device-appropriate, user experience on different mobile platforms (iOS v. Android) and device types (phones v. tablets). Special attention is given to bringing design elements of the enterprise application (familiar to your users ) to the mobile application.

Technology selection - help deciding between native applications and mobile-optimized webapps.

Mobile application development - using native platform development tools or webapp frameworks, utilizing multiple media channels (data, voice, messaging, video, etc). Tynesoft specializes in designing communications protocols between mobile applications and enterprise applications (e.g. web services, REST, html, etc). All mobile applications we development are designed with extensibility in mind so that future functionality can be added easily.

Enterprise application development - especially enhancing enterprise applications with new APIs to allow seamless integration between the enterprise and mobile applications.

Branding - developing white-labelled (branded) solutions to deliver the same mobile applications to different customers.

QA - providing both functional and boundary testing (low power and signal strength) with the relevant device and tablets.

Publishing - releasing and managing your application on the various application stores.

Tynesoft uses an iterative development methodology, providing the customer with wire-frames, a pixel-perfect specification and an early release of the application in an early form so customers can iterate through the functionality to ensure we develop exactly the mobile application envisaged.